Monday 8 September 2014

Teachers day celeb:-)

Posted by denise at 03:42 0 comments

Okay so my constant inactivity made me post this. Im not sure if anyone actually reads my blog but still I've decide to post this really impt event that happened recently.
Something minor; I guess to many. But this means finally seeing my pri sch frens again (after like idk 10months??) and returning to my second home<3, gsps.
So when I was studying there, tbh I didn't quite enjoy it. Honestly there was lots of pri sch drama and all. so I was actually wishing pri sch would end n I could "start a New life" in sec sch. It's true; I did "start a new life", im really enjoying it, with friends I can count on, although there's sec sch pressure and all. People around me are all muggers, which might be a good thing as they would influence me in my results. My results, however, aren't going very well for me. I'm falling back in class. I don't expect to be the top, but at least half my class? N here I am being 3/4 in class. Friends wise, I like my pri sch ones and sec sch ones pretty much the same. Work wise, how much I'm longing to go back to pri school, a slightly stress-free environment.
I think everyone has grown a lot, through the past 10 months or so. Whether physically or mentally HAHA. I think we all matured alot, and no longer are the childish type of people we used to be.well of course, all of them grew so tall, and alot prettier ☺
Coming back to gsps made me think alot: have I spent the last 6 years of my life doing foolish things and not making the best our of it? Yes I did. And I solemnly regret it. Thinking back, it was indeed a memorable journey, though with lots of ups and downs. But when u r in the journey, u just take a day as it is, and don't make full use of it. Days passed; is everything still the same? U just using your phone surfing the internet, not exactly studying at all? Actually not. Although I've indeed not made full use of the time, even a small conversation with a friend might mean a lot in the future.
The minute I stepped into gongshang, many memories filled me; how we were so nonchalant in the past, how selfish, how immature. But that's all a part and parcel of our life. Now, I know I can no longer reverse time and go back to the pri sch days, but seeing my pri sch frens; the feeling which I can't decipher to now. Joy yet sorrow, of seeing them and how they have changed, but realizing how u have not cherished the time spent together w them. and Theres the aftermath of it, missing them so badly now. I miss my pei sch days, how carefree we were. The Next time im probably seeing them would be Next year, hopefully during the dec hols though. So this meetup really meant alot to me. despite only meeting up for like 1h+? Missing them real bad now so I've decided to write this post.

So I shall end off with some pictures (of course) and what I've learnt: to never take things for granted, cherish the present and what u have, and make full use of it.:-)


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